
MSOCB will provide a scope of certification for Crop Production which is applicable to

•Individual Grower

•ICS Group/ Grower Group for small Holder Group Certification

•Wild Collection Units 

Individual Grower

An individual operator or farmer who intends to get organic certification has to submit the following necessary documents along with the application form:

1. Farm Legal Documents

2. Detailed Farm Map

3. Farmer PAN Card with Passport Size Photo

4. GPS Reading (latitude, longitude of the farm)

5. Supporting documents (Route Map, Farm Diary, Copy of Purchase Bills/Invoices)

Grower Group (ICS)

An Internal Control System (ICS) is the part of a documented quality assurance system that allows an external certification body to delegate the periodic inspection of individual group members to an identified body or unit within the certified operators.

Importance of ICS Management

•To smoothen the process of Project implementation

• To maintain transparency in the system

• To assure the quality of the Produce

Requirements for Group Certification

• The Group shall have a registered legal entity and farmers in the group should be in close geographical proximity and similar production system

• The Group shall have a minimum of 25 members and maximum of 500 members.

• A minimum of 2 inspection shall be conducted annually by the internal inspectors before the inspection by external Certification Body.

• In order to implement the ICS effectively, the staff has to be appointed such as Quality Manager, Internal inspectors, Approval Manager, Field officers, Purchase officers, Warehouse Manager, Processing Manager

• An internal standard has to be prepared in local language

• Training has to be given to all the ICS Staff

Documents required for Registration

• Photos of ICS Contact Person

• Adhar of ICS Contact Person

• PAN Card of Group/ Mandator

• Approved Farmer List & Project Map

• Legal Registration

• Route Map

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